
September Equinox Fall Is Coming
September equinox is the day that marks the beginning of fall in the USA. How is it celebrated in other cultures?
Invisible Karmic Thread Of Two People Who Are Meant To Be Together
Learn what a karmic relationship is and how you can enter and leave one without hurting yourself.
15 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Cheating in Relationships
Cheating is much more difficult topic than some people might think.
15 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Cheating in Relationships
Cheating is much more difficult topic than some people might think.
Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater? How To Recognize A Perpetual Cheater
Cheating often evokes strong emotions in us. Unfortunately, cheating is common, and studies show that it happens in about 20% of marriages and up to 70% of relationships. Cheating brings great pain and destruction and is often cited as the main reason for divorce. Whether it marks the end of a relationship or is the starting point for recovery, the anguish of cheating lingers.