
Queen Of Cups Tarot Card Meanings: Suit of Cups
She will guide with love and empathy for self and others, or she will lead the charge in vengeance and chaos. There is much to learn about those around you, your environment, and yourself. And there's noone better to teach you all this than a Queen.
Knight Of Cups Tarot Card Meanings: Suit of Cups
Ah, clarity of mind. Doesn't that sound appealing?
Page Of Cups Tarot Card Meanings: Suit of Cups
Ever wonder where those tiny words of wisdom come from?
Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meanings: Suit of Cups
Is this a period of immense happiness or struggle?
Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meanings: Suit of Cups
Representing a fulfilled wish, this is a good sign to encounter in a reading. It will help you learn a lot about yourself and could even reveal a dark side of you.