
Seven of Wands Meaning: Suit of Wands
The seven of wands is the card of competition and becoming the best version of oneself. Sometimes, it means there are challenges, but no good thing is easy to obtain!
Six of Wands Meaning: Suit of Wands
It's always exciting to encounter this uplifting card when reading a spread! Lucky for you, it represents a pinnacle, a high point that has you feeling superhuman.
Five of Wands Meaning: Suit of Wands
When examining a tarot deck, five is commonly a number that signifies modifications and competition. In this suit, the five is no different! The significance of this card is not something to be ignored.
Four of Wands Meaning: Suit of Wands
This special card is a divine sign of thriving interpersonal relationships. Selecting this card gives insight into your strong support system and highlights self-love; you should be happy to see it!
Three of Wands Meaning: Suit of Wands
Dreaming of the coastal waters of the Caribbean or the snow-capped Alps of Switzerland? The 3 of Wands Tarot can offer some possible explanations.