"Machete Kills" is a 2013 American action-comedy film written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. It is a sequel to "Machete" and the third film based on Grindhouse fake trailers. Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Tom Savini, Billy Blair, Electra and Elise Avellan, Felix Sabates and Jessica Alba reprise their roles from the first film, as well as being joined by series newcomers Mel Gibson, Demián Bichir, Amber Heard, Sofía Vergara, Lady Gaga, Antonio Banderas, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Vanessa Hudgens, Alexa Vega, William Sadler,Marko Zaror and Charlie Sheen (credited by his real name of "Carlos Estévez").
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You overtake the skier who was in the second place. YOUR current position is...
3 4 2 1