Ebola: Early Detection to Reduce Death Rate
Since 2014 West Africa has been experiencing the deadliest Ebola outbreak in modern history. The highly contagious virus has already claimed the lives of nearly 11,500 people – mostly in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria, and Guinea.
Home Robots to Monitor Our Health
Learn more about Pillo, a home health robot that helps manage health issues wisely, reminds to take pills or vitamins in time, and answers questions like “How many calories in Romanesco?”
Fractals Around Us
Fractals are everywhere – even inside us! Learn more about fractal art, natural fractal patterns, and fractals found in the human body.
What President of the United States was the first to have his photo taken? Why does the name of the ninth month of the year come from a word meaning “seven”? Read a compilation of fun facts about numbers 6 and 7!
Fun Facts About Number 0 and 1
The Hindu-Arabic numeral system was invented almost eighteen hundred years ago; however, it turns out that we know too little about numerical digits we have been using to this day! Read the most awesome facts about “zero” and “one.”